Tuesday 22 April 2014

How to work with a ten month old baby

Well this is tricky! When she is awake she is crawling straight for the cracked glass on the front of my woodburner that is desperately in need of replacing or about to get licked to death by my springer spaniel. When she falls asleep she is on me and so I am a little bit limited as to what I can do. But hey! Thank goodness  for my iPad!

This is my usual work view!

So my beautiful little girl is asleep on me at the moment which gives me the opportunity to blog, update my website, write a to do list, research techniques, buy supplies and maybe watch an episode of the Big Bang Theory or Nashville. After all, it can't all be about work can it!

Now, the to do list:

  1. Take photos of my existing art cards and upload those to my website www.jacquelinewild.com
  2. Add a shop to my websites people can buy them.
  3. Put them up on Etsy.
  4. Carry on with my handmade cards so that I will finally have a bit of stock to play with and promote.
So,  although at the moment I am desperate to do something a bit creative, the sensible part of me keeps insisting that I do something with box of art cards that I have which are currently taking up room in the nursery. About five years ago I had a couple of art exhibitions, thought I would take my work seriously and got 25 cards done of each  of what I thought were my most saleable images. 

This was as much as I could afford to do. And although I sold a few, I was still left with said box which I have looked at remorsefully and without a plan for far too long. The thought of being rejected by gallery after gallery has been enough to keep me from doing anything. Until now. When I want to do something but actually, physically can't move.

But I have my to do list in place now and so as soon as daddy comes home, or if Tabitha is happily entertained in her high chair, or I get up extra specially early (!) then I can be armed and ready for my next session with the boobie snoozer.

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